Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday August 24, 2008

Sunday August 24, 2008

Midday sail around Little Tinicum with Vanessa, mid 80's F 5 knot or less breeze out of the west-south-west.

Tack the Tinicum Range shipping channel, island to Paulsboro from the Valero Terminal to Darby Creek. Mostly close hauled down river, retreating out of the 50 foot deep channel into the 20 and 30 foot waters of Little Tinicum for traffic to Valero and an OSG on its maiden voyage from Aker with bow cone out of the water.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday August 20, 2008

August 20,2008
Mid 80's F, clear sky 5 to 10 knot from south.
A slow afternoon sail to Billingsport
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Sailing past Mifflin Bar Dike

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday August 16, 2008

Saturday August 16, 2008

Morning sail, 5 to 10 kmot breeze out of the north with gusts to 15.

Sail with the flood tide on a beam reach to the airport. Jib of Billingsport and close reach to Mifflin Dike. The wind direction changes from northwest then west with building gusts.

To pass between Mifflin Dike and Little Tinicum my course is northwest then west to the marina. Approaching Mifflin Dike with full sails the boat is now stationary against the maximum flood. Motor on and drop the genoa, pass Mifflin Dike, cut the motor and tack into the wind but after a few tacks I have not made any forward progress against the flood tide with respect to folks fishing at the UPS terminal.

Motor sail to the marina where the power boats are loading with beer for an afternoon at the island beach party off the mouth of the Schuylkill.

A LNG carrier at the airport dock, when in transit it will have a coast guard and marine police escort.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday August 3, 2008

Sunday August 3, 2008

Sunday morning sail, mid 80's F, 10 knot wind out of the northwest rising to 20 and gusts to 26 (NWS at PHL)

Leave the marina and wind changes to almost due west, tack against the flood tide to Eddystone. Wind builds with gusts out of the northwest and the boat develops good speed.

My competitor from the previous round the island informal race is tacking on the same course. Not a Hunter, a Compac 25

A coal bulk freighter is unloading at Eddystone and a tug with coal barge has entered the Eddystone channel. The Eddystone channel is the most direct exit down river from Tinicum, but with a tug and barge is not wise to enter. Today is a short sail for me, I need to return to Philadelphia by 1:00 PM, so come about "jib" at the Eddystone dock, the wind is now out of the north and I have a fast broad reach back the the marine with the flood tide.

My competitor continues into the Eddystone channel but jibes to the New Jersey side to clear the coal barge now be rotated by the tug.