Monday, May 30, 2011

May 2011

May 30,2011

Morning sail, high 80's F the summer heat is building, gentle 5 to 10kn breeze from the west directly in line with the river. Sail up river with the breeze off my starboard stern, to the airport come about in the main shipping channel with the intent of tacking down river to Eddystone, but not enough breeze to counter current and maintain good tacking speed to weave red-green-red with commercial traffic present.

Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary and PA Fish and Boat Commission patrols all on the river for the holiday weekend.

Come about with the breeze at my stern and duck in behind Tinicum Island at Mifflin Bar Dike. A series of lazy tacks takes me slowly to the airport landing light jetty, drop sails and motor to the marina.

May 20, 2011
More than a week of rain in the Delaware Watershed and the river has debris including some large trees washed out from the banks up river. The marina had loaded two steel piles ready to install at one of the end tees damaged over the winter. To late, a large tree propelled by a flood tide sheared off the end tee. The floating dock riding the tide did a perfect dock in a vacant slip of the adjacent marina.

May 11, 2011
Low 70's F, afternoon sail to Green E1 with 10 to 15kn out off east gusting above 20.

Container ship loading at Penn Terminal

The Delaware Responder, one of 16 oil spill response vessels operated by the Marine Spill Response Corp. (MSRC); making way down river at Green E1 Eddystone
May 7, 2011
Mid-day sail, low 70's F, 10 to 15kn gusting 20 to 25