Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 2013

September 28, 2013
Saturday morning sail
USCG buoy maintenance ship

Flying J off Corinthian

September 7, 2013
Little Tinicum Island east end

September 1, 2013

A slow sail in a light breeze around Little Tinicun Island, high 80's F and humid. Motor sail at slack before ebb to PHL jetty, then sail with a faint breeze past Mifflin Bar Dike to the the river. More breeze on the river off the port side and sail with the ebb to the flats below the island.

Motor sail return against the ebb to Fox Grove.. An average speed over ground less than 3 knots, more when motor sailing but maybe less than 2 when sailing.

Little Tinicum Island north side

Little Tinicum Island south side

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